Bible Institute
Be diligent to pres​ent yourself approved to God,
a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth
- (2 Tim. 2:15)

Online Courses
Who May Attend?
Spiritual Leaders all agree that the best Sunday morning sermons are not enough to equip believers for the work of the ministry. Many whom the Lord has called to serve find it near impossible to get systematic training in the Word at an affordable and convenient time. LIBI was started with you in mind. If you serve in ministry, sense God's call upon your life or desire to go deeper in the word, Our Biblical training is for you.

ETA & LILC Certificates

Rewards for Studying God's Word
Walk with God more intimately out of a deep, personal knowledge of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Understand the unsearchable riches of God's eternal salvation & enjoy the assurance of its truth.
Care about the lost and learn to make disciples within your family, community, and beyond within the nations.
Interpret Scripture using sound principles of Biblical hermeneutics.
Discover your calling and make a firm commitment to follow & serve the Lord.
Teach God's Word effectively, the way He designed our hearts & minds to receive it.
Credits awarded in partnership with ​
Evangelical Training Association

Formal & Practical Training
Training through our Bible Institute and hands-on ministry provides holistic discipleship and leadership training.
I attended Liberty International Bible Institute for the first time. I took two courses: The Gospel of John and Methodical Bible Interpretation. It was challenging but I made it through with the help of the Holy Spirit and the teachers. The experience was great and the knowledge I attained there I would have never received from my basic reading of the Bible or my local church.

My experience with Liberty International, and the Bible Interpretation class was what I needed to get myself to another level in understanding the Bible. This class allows me now to see for myself and have a better understanding of what I am reading. I am now able to draw my own conclusions, for my own spirituality, and to expound upon details when spreading the word. I look forward to experiencing my next module at the Liberty International Institute.

I would be remiss if I did not say a big thank you for the very positive impact that your teachings have had on my life. I who thought I knew God, your teaching on theology proved to me that I still had a way in my knowledge of God. Your teachers have this unique way of communicating that I had never seen before despite the valuable teachers I had. Be blessed and may God fill you up again and again.

I took two of Liberty International’s classes, the Gospel of John and the Bible Interpretation class. I’m glad I did. They have truly blessed me with much knowledge and are a great help to my spiritual journey with God.

Tina Ly
I joined Liberty International Bible Institute in 2018 and took The Spiritual Life course. I learned the importance of building intimacy with God, understanding His word and changing my life. This was not only about the study of His word, but also how to impact everyday life with family, friends and neighbors. The Spiritual Life Course can help us as Christians understand our authority in Christ and God’s promises for us.

Each class I took, helped bring more Truths I had not realized before, become even more relevant for living my Christian life! Anyone who is interested in receiving Bible truth and see it become more empowering to their lives, should come to Liberty Bible Institute!